City of Ivanhoe:
Dog/Cat Licensing
(507) 694-1738
Golf Cart/ATV Permits
(507) 694-1738
Liquor Licensing
(507) 694-1738
Vehicle Registration/Tabs
(507) 694-1241
Drivers License
(507) 694-1550
(507) 694-1344
Food License
(507) 537-6713
Office: (507) 694-1750
Fax: (507) 694-1745
314 N Norman
Carol Alness
If customers can’t find it, it doesn’t exist. Clearly list and describe the services you offer. Also, be sure to showcase a premium service.
4-Plex Apts
(605) 479-3621 or (507) 694-1603
Divine Providence Apartments
(507) 694-2027
(507) 694-1552
Woodland Park Apartments
(308) 380-2450
Rotherwood Apartments
(507) 694-1738
Storybook Apartments
(507) 768-3446
(507) 694-1476
R & C Properties (Apartments)
(605) 695-4506
Alyssa Klimek Daycare
(507) 530-5362
Danielle Post Daycare
(507) 828-5410
Emily Engbarth Daycare
(507) 829-3882
Jennifer Drown Daycare
(507) 828-6153
(507) 694-1499
(507) 694-1353
Bethany Lutheran Church
(507) 487-5530
St. John Cantius Catholic Church
(507) 694-1402
Sts Peter and Paul Catholic Church
(507) 694-1402
(507) 694-1312
(507) 694-1100
Maris Hearing Center
(507) 694-1416
Hendricks Community Hospital Association
(507) 275-3134
Tyler Home Care & Ridgeview Hospice Avera
(507) 247-5973
Fitness Center:
(507) 694-1540
Food Shelf:
Ivanhoe, Hendricks, Arco Area Foodshelf
(507) 275-3049
(507) 694-1166
(507) 694-1303
Nielsen's Lanes
(507) 694-1710
Eastside Park (Piggy Park)
Gilson Field Park
(507) 694-1738
(507) 368-9350
Marble Community Park
(507) 694-1827
(507) 275-3852
(507) 247-3242
(507) 872-6335
(507) 694-1552
Ivanhoe Economic Development Authority
(507) 694-1738
Lincoln County Enterprise Development Corporation
(507) 694-1306
Ivanhoe Feed & Seed
(507) 694-1540
Producers Hybrids
(507) 530-1630
Kevin Swanson Auctioneering
(507) 828-1620
Panka Computers
(507) 694-1750
Lyon County Farm Services
(507) 694-1197
Lipinski Small Engine & Hardware
(507) 694-1241
Ivanhoe Public School
(507) 694-1540
Lincoln Heartland Express
(507) 694-1813
Kram-A-Lot Storage
(507) 645-5202
Ivanhoe Storage
(507) 202-2580
(507) 694-1333
(507) 694-1648
(507) 694-1400
(507) 694-1145
Alicia Tykwinski Photography
(507) 530-4157
Blue Jeans to Bridal
(507) 684-1695
(507) 694-1660
Mary Kay Sales
(507) 694-1833
(507) 694-1836
Body & Repair:
Ivanhoe Service Center
(507) 694-1280
(507) 694-1566
Lipinski Garage
(507) 694-1248
(507) 694-1566
(507) 828-6787
(507) 531-7444
Chad Bednarek Construction
Steve Hauswedell Construction
(507) 694-1756
Pavek Renovation & Construction
(507) 694-1586
Rybinski/Lacek Construction
Thompson Lumber
(507) 694-1778
Elliott's Cabinets & Furniture
(507) 694-1791
Ivanhoe Service Center
(507) 694-1280
Al Sheik Trucking
(507) 694-1230 or (507) 530-1652
Appel Trucking
(507) 694-1609
Chuck Bradley Trucking
(507) 694-1395
Circle J Trucking
(507) 694-1772
Groundworks - Bill Sterzinger
Lipinski Small Engine & Hardware
(507) 694-1241
Total Lawn Care
(507) 694-1263
Andrzejek Cherp Excavating Inc.
(507) 694-1139
Sterzinger Construction
(507) 694-1262
Werkman Plumbing HAVAC Heating
Fogelson Plumbing & Heating
(507) 694-1879
Dan's Refrigeration
(507) 694-1864
Guza Machine, Inc.
(507) 694-1444
Tom's Welding
(507) 694-1878
(507) 694-1470
ACE of SW Minnesota/Lincoln County Volunteers/RSVP
(507) 829-0780
(507) 694-1864
Buffalo Ridge Two Cylinder Club
(507) 694-1827 or (507) 694-1665
Divine Providence Health Center
Ladies Auxiliary
(507) 694-1718 or (507) 694-1665
Investing in Ivanhoe
(507) 487-5722
(507) 694-1738
Investing In Ivanhoe
(507) 694-1512
Ivanhoe/Hendricks/Arco Food Shelf
(507) 275-3049
Ivanhoe/Hendricks Girl Scouts
(507) 530-3541
Knights of Columbus
(507) 694-1402
Knights of Knowledge Study Club
(507) 694-1531
(507) 828-6913
Lincoln County Salvation Army
(507) 694-1665
(507) 694-1540
TOPS Club #1501
(507) 694-1665
VFW Post #2980 Ladies Auxiliary
(507) 694-1371
(507) 694-1292